Critical Digital Sovereignties

Sovereign Sensorium: Digesting, Pleasing, Disciplining the Sovereign Body

This series of essays explores the complex relations between the body and notions of sovereignty in a broad range of media and mediated experiences.

Heather Jaber's essay "Fear, pleasure and digital leaks in Egypt" examines how portrayals of bodily intimacy on the Egyptian drama Awalem Khafeya reflect concerns over national vulnerability, morality, and the porousness of the state's boundaries.

Florence Madenga's essay "Notes and Experiments in Autoethnography: Eastern State Penitentiary" is an experimental autoethnography, combining sonic material from Philadelphia's historical Eastern State Penitentiary with reflections on the ethnographic form and the kind of media theory that can capture the complexities of thinking through the carceral society.

Lastly, Giang Nguyen-Thu's essay "Digesting National Sovereignty" examines Vietnamese mothers' transactions and interactions on Facebook, and the means through which they express and handle anxieties over toxicity and cleanliness, particularly in food.


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